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Lawyer´s office
Ernst Okolisan

Licensed as a lawyer according to the Legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Responsible chamber: Lawyers´ Chamber Stuttgart www.rak-stuttgart.de
Professional Indemnity Insurance with the R+V AG, Raiffeisenplatz 1, 65189 Wiesbaden.
Relevant professional legal regulations are: Federal Lawyers´ Board
Professional Regulation Lawyers Lawyers´ Fees Law Professional Regulation of Lawyers in the European Community
The regulations above can be seen under the category “data according § 6 TGD” on the website of the Federal Lawyers Chamber under www.brak.de.

Ernst Okolisan
Am Rehwald 10
72622 Nuertingen
Telephone: 0049 711 666060
Fax number: 0049 711 6660655
E-Mail: mail@okolisanadvokat.eu
Sales Tax Number: 95139/08514


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Editorial responsibility:

Ernst Okolisan  Am Rehwald 10, 72622 Nuertingen
Telephone: 0049 711 666060

The license for being a lawyer and the designation of profession was granted by the State of Baden-Württemberg. The regulating authority is the Chamber of Lawyers for the Higher Court (OLG) district of Stuttgart, Corporate Enterprise of Public Law, Königstraße 14, 70173 Stuttgart.

The effective professional legal regulations – Lawyers´ fees law, Federal lawyers´ board, professional board for lawyers including the European Union can be retrieved via the Chamber under www.brak.de. No responsibility is taken for completeness of the information and regulations, as well as of any referred links.